Construction and equipping of the Primary Health Care (PHC) unit

In an effort to bring quality health care services as close as possible to the households, MCDA in collaboration with the Ministry of Health with support from Civic and Community leaders worked tirelessly and completed the construction of the PHC unit in Chabota community of Shibuyunji District

Provision of working tools to Community based distributors (CBDs)

The Agency with funding from ChildFund supported 72 CBDs with working kits such as bags, bins, Soaps and surgical wool. The purpose of this intervention was to motivate volunteers so that they can continue sensitizing the communities on the importance of Family Planning and SRH services to mothers

Provision of clean and safe water

In an effort to contribute to the reduction of waterborne diseases among others and also reduce on long distances covered by households in search of clean and safe drinking water, MCDA distributed over 30,000 water purification sachets across operational area. Over 5,000 families benefited from the intervention

Support to health facilities

MCDA supported the under-five immunisation exercise working with health staff within catchment area. Over 10,000 children benefited from the initiative. We also managed to complete the construction and rehabilitation of a staff house at Namabanga health centre

Support children and expectant mothers with Insecticide Treated Nets (ITNs)

MCDA received Five Thousand and Forty Two (5,042) ITNs to distribute to its enrolled children aged 0 -14 years and to pregnant mothers within its operational area of Shibuyunji and Mumbwa districts. 3,410 nets were given to enrolled children aged 0-14 years while 1,632 went to pregnant mothers


Training of pupils in child rights

MCDA working with the Department of Social Welfare and Victim Support Unit (VSU) trained 180 pupils from six primary schools in child rights that included Kasalu, Nangoma, Shimbizhi, Moono, Nambala, Mwimbi primary and Myooye Secondary school.

Rehabilitation of Early Childhood Care Development Centers (ECD)

The agency rehabilitated the Nangoma and Kalwazhi ECD centers in Mumbwa District and constructed an ECD centre at Mwembezhi primary school in shibuyunji district

Community sensitizations in child protection

Working with District stakeholders MCDA sensitized Community Association members in all its 6 catchment areas in Mumbwa and Shibuyunji district.  The sensitization meetings were attended by different community age groups.

Traditional leaders’ engagement

Mumbwa Child Development Agency organised a traditional leaders and stakeholder’s engagement on addressing Gender Based Violence and Child Marriages. The meeting was attended by all the seven (7) Royal Highnesses from all the seven chiefdoms and several senior headmen of Mumbwa district

Community trainings for Child Protection Committees

Working with the Department of Social Welfare, Victim Support Unit (VSU) and Zambia Centre for Communication Program (ZCCP) MCDA trained 90 Community Welfare Assistance Committee members in all the six Community Association. The composition included Community Neighbourhood, Headmen and Headwomen, Child Protection/GBV community activists and committee members.

Support schools with teaching and learning materials

During the year under review, Mumbwa Child Development Agency with support from ChildFund received a total of 9,266 text books. MCDA operational area has a total of 44 schools i.e. 5 Secondary schools, 25 primary schools and 14 community schools with a total population of 25,334 pupils

Day of the African Child Commemoration

Mumbwa Child Development Agency enrolled children, members of staff, district stakeholders from both Shibuyunji and Mumbwa on Friday 16th June 2017 joined the rest of the children in Africa to commemorate the Day of an African Child under the theme “Accelerating Protection, Empowerment and Equal Opportunities for Children in Africa by 2030”.

Mululi dormitory, ablution, fence, pathway and lighting

In an expedition to ensure female children reasonably enjoy the right to education, and also ensure they are not exposed to violence and exploitations, MCDA constructed a girl’s dormitory and a modern ablution block with solar powered water reticulation system to cater for 60 girls who attend weekly boarding at Mululi Primary School in Myooye community.

  1. YOUTH

Peer education outreaches

MCDA through its peer educators has conducted a number of sexual and reproductive health outreach programs in communities. The aim of this activity was to reach out to youths with information on Sexual and Reproductive Health so that they can make informed decisions and access youth friendly sexual and reproductive services from their rural health centres

Capacity building for youths

The agency conducted livelihood and enterprise development activities for youths that include: entrepreneurship trainings, village banking, money management, gardening and other supporting activities.

Youth Friendly Resource Centre Rehabilitation

MCDA rehabilitated and equipped three youth resource centres in Shimbizhi, Nangoma and Kalundu. The main aim of the rehabilitation of the aforementioned facilities was to reach out to more young people with Youth Friendly Sexual and Reproductive Health information.


MCDA implemented the Realigning Agriculture to Improve Nutrition (RAIN) project funded by CONCERN WORLD in Mumbwa District of Zambia with the overall goal of integrating and realigning agriculture and nutrition/health interventions to effectively reduce child and maternal under nutrition through combined efforts with partners. The project focuses on promoting diverse and micro- nutrient rich crops and improve management of small livestock among pregnant women and lactating mothers with children below the age of 2 years. The project promotes appropriate Infant and Young Child Feeding and health care/hygiene practices also promoting consumption of micronutrient rich food among the targeted beneficiaries. The project further tries to address other cross cutting issues such as gender and HIV and AIDS.