Mumbwa Child Development Agency is a child centered non-governmental organization. It is a membership based agency that is volunteer driven, non-profit making, non-religious, non-political and does not discriminate on account of tribe, sex, marital and physical status, race and/or nationality.

Established in 1983 as Children Christian Fund (CCF) the agency Federated in 2005 and registered under CAP 119 of the Societies ACT, the Mumbwa Child Development Agency strives to promote, defend and advocate for the improved lifestyle of children, youth, women and other various categories of the vulnerable in Zambian and to empower them to make free and informed choices on matters relating to their wellbeing.

Our cooperating partners also bring a unique contribution to the organization. Over the years MCDA has worked with ChildFund, Concern World Wide, Care, World Vision Zambia, Jesus Cares, Ministry of Community Development Mother and Child Health (MCDMCH), Ministry of Education, Ministry of Youth and Sports, Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock, Mumbwa District Council, Community Based Organisations, Junior Achievers, community leaders, churches and the District AIDS Council (NAC) and any more to bring hope to the deprived, vulnerable and excluded.

Mumbwa Child Development Agency (MCDA) operates in two Districts of Shibuyunji and Mumbwa, these are situated in Lusaka and Central Provinces of Zambia. The main Office for the Agency is situated about 160 km South West of Lusaka, the Capital city of Zambia. MCDA has in the recent past expanded its operations to cover the entire Mumbwa District and part of Shibuyunji covering three wards that include Milandu, Chabota and Kalundu. The total population of the MCDA catchment area is therefore, about 195,221 people. Mumbwa district has about 173,423 people of which 87,369 are females and 86,054 are males. Shibuyunji District has a total population of 52, 860 of which 26,527 are males and 26,333 are females (2010 census report).

The organisational structure of MCDA comprises of a management board of six parents, two youths, three government officials and the Federation Manager.  The three government officials are from the Ministries of Education, Agriculture and Health and their role is to give technical support.  MCDA has a workforce of 38 dedicated and qualified staff based at the District and Community levels.